Developer Support

Stuck on a Tough Development Problem? We've Got Your Back.

As a developer, you’re expected to solve complex problems and deliver top-notch results. But sometimes, even the best developers need a helping hand to overcome challenges and keep projects on track.

Development Roadblocks Suck Your Time & Energy

You’re not supposed to know everything, and you definitely don’t have to do it alone.

Yet, when you hit a roadblock, it can feel overwhelming and frustrating. Complex bugs, tight deadlines, scope creep, and integration issues can sap your energy and cause you to lose money.

Does this sound familiar?

“I have a pretty scary problem to solve on this project, and I don't really know how to approach it. I can do most of this myself, but I can’t quite do this last piece. And I won’t win the job if I can’t do everything.”

“The site I built is crashing. I can’t seem to figure out why. I need help from someone who has solved these performance problems before. If I don’t fix this, I'm definitely getting fired.”

“There’s more work here than I can do myself. This surge from my client is temporary. I don’t want to lose my client just because I can’t fit this temporary surge of work into my capacity. I need some temporary help to get through this.”

“There’s a complex issue my client is having. We need to coordinate across several technical teams, and I’m a little out of my depth regarding the technical knowledge they are expecting.”

At Solspace, we understand the emotional and technical toll these challenges take. We're here to help you move past these obstacles with ease.

Think of us as your backup team, your secret weapon of expert developers, ready to step in and provide the support you need.

Our custom development services are designed to keep you in the lead while providing the expertise to solve complex issues.

Whether you need help with Craft CMS, ExpressionEngine, Laravel, React JS, Vue JS, custom software development, or integrating our popular plugins like Freeform and Calendar, we've got you covered.


Solspace has been in the business of helping fellow developers for 25 years.


Across the team, Solspace has more than 100 years combined web development experience.


We have provided excellent support to fellow developers more than 40,000 times in the last 25 years.

Transform Your Development Experience

Imagine the relief and confidence you'll feel with a reliable partner by your side. With Solspace, you’ll experience:

Smooth Project Flow

No more delays due to unresolved issues. Your projects stay on track, and you meet your deadlines with ease.

Enhanced Reputation

Delivering consistent, high-quality results strengthens your reputation as a dependable developer.

Client Satisfaction

Keeping projects on schedule and exceeding client expectations leads to stronger, more trusting relationships.

When I brought on Solspace I felt relieved.

They treated me and my client with respect even though the project was small. It was great to offload something complicated and just not worry.

Stephen Callender
Fellow Developer

Worried about getting help?

You might be wondering about the costs. You might be wondering if truly need help. Our support services are cost-effective, ensuring you get the assistance you need without breaking the budget. Even the best developers benefit from a second set of eyes. Our expertise ensures you can handle any challenge confidently, maintaining your professional edge.

Getting expert support is a smart move to ensure your projects succeed. Partnering with us means you’re committed to delivering the best possible results for your clients.

Here's What You Get

When you choose Solspace for developer support, you get:

  • High-Priority Access: Direct email, chat, slack, or web call access to our expert team.
  • Custom Solutions: Tailored assistance for your specific development challenges.
  • Proactive Guidance: Support that solves current issues and helps you avoid future problems.
  • Around-the-Clock Support: With developers across multiple time zones, we ensure timely assistance no matter where you or your client is.
  • You as the Hero: We help you shine by overcoming challenges, ensuring you deliver outstanding results and look like the hero to your clients.

Partner with us now

Is it faster to do it yourself than to onboard us to help? No way!

Contact us today to learn more about our developer support services and how we can help you keep your projects on track and your clients happy.

Mitchell Kimbrough, Solspace Founder