
Pete Sena on Marketing

Half a year ago I found myself having dinner with Pete Sena, founder of Digital Surgeons, a 40+ person digital agency on the East Coast. I was struck by the easy confidence Pete had in his and his team’s ability to generate new work to keep their pipeline filled. This is an area in which I, and most of my work colleagues, don’t have the same confidence. As confident and capable as we are as web designers and developers, most of us don’t know how to market ourselves. When we hit a down cycle, we rarely have practiced and well-developed marketing strategies to help us get through a slow patch, get more work and keep the lights on.

Much like my previous series, this new podcast series will be centered on marketing questions. In this lead interview with Pete, I asked him to help us gain a better understanding of the terrain to navigate in marketing a digital shop in the modern era. Pete emphasized the importance of knowing who you are and what type of work you want to do. He believes that all marketing evolves from this origin.

Listen now and learn about some of the tools and techniques he and his team used to grow from 2 people to 40. You will walk away ready to read and research as you focus and define who you are and what you care about.

And as you listen, here are links to some of the further reading that Pete recommends:

Know Thyself

Simon Sinek
