Verifone Developers' Portal

Leverage ExpressionEngine for a quick and painless website build.

Verifone hero


Verifone needed to break through an IT logjam. We helped them strategize and build an ExpressionEngine-based version of the new developer portal.


App developers were eager to develop for Verifone's POS platforms. They needed SDKs, documentation, and support in order to create worthy products.


Verifone was working to extend the capabilities of their POS systems. They knew that one of the best ways to do it was to open up an extensive developer program.

How Big

The []( portal is an enterprise-level website that supports coders and teams around the world.

Our Role

Our work with Verifone included template development, data model strategy, implementation, deep QA, and general ExpressionEngine support.

Go Team!

A large group of developers, strategists, and coders all worked together to get this one over the finish line.

Development Strategy

We worked closely with Verifone to strategize how large organizations can best deploy commonly available CMSs like ExpressionEngine and WordPress as if they were enterprise platforms. Verifone saved tons of money this way and still achieved a sustainable and reliable result.


Data Model Development

The data model is one of the biggest challenges facing a project where a new CMS is being deployed to serve a wide array of constituents. Content editors need to be able to quickly access and update appropriate content. Approvers need a clear path to regulating information that launches into production. End-users need easy access to the materials they need. And above all, the structure of the data in the CMS needs to allow for speedy page loads as well as the stability of future changes and modifications.

Web Reliability is key, and it's rarely more pronounced than in a site's overall data architecture.

Single Sign-On

Verifone's developer portal serves a wide array of developers who need access to a wide array of Verifone systems. Asking these poor developers to log in on every Verifone system would just be annoying. We're trying to create a seamless and reliable experience. We want to remove friction wherever possible.

Verifone tasked us with building out a custom SSO integration for the CMS platform. This would allow developers to easily access protected content on the site using SSO sessions inherited from the other systems they had visited.


Download Management

A core function of the Verifone Developer Portal was the ability for developers to download SDKs and other coding resources. The downloads needed to be gated so that only registered developers could access them. Verifone wanted to keep a history of downloads so that a given developer could easily access materials they had used previously. We wrote a custom plugin to tie into the Verifone asset management system to support this functionality. The tool connected with the developer's SSO account, the site CMS, and other systems to make the whole experience seamless.

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