
We Are Removing ExpressionEngine 1.x Support From Our Software

ExpressionEngine 2.0 public beta was released 3 years ago on December 2nd, 2009, and ExpressionEngine 2.1.0, the first non-beta release, was released 2.5 years ago on July 12, 2010. Earlier this month, EllisLab retired ExpressionEngine 1.x into a legacy product, and it is no longer for sale.

When ExpressionEngine 2.0.0 beta intially released, we worked on having our software work on both platforms with a single codebase. This gave users an upgrade path for our add-ons that would help them move to ExpressionEngine 2.x when they were ready. This also helped us as developers make the switch to the new platform without alienating our customers who couldn't make the move yet.

Beginning with Super Search 2 and Freeform 4, we stopped developing new software with support for ExpressionEngine 1.x. During that time we continued to test and support our software that was already compatible with both EE 1.x and 2.x.

Now that EllisLab has officially moved ExpressionEngine 1.x into a legacy product, starting with Calendar 1.8, we are removing support for EE 1.x from our software. This means that each next release for our software, we will not be selling EE 1.x compatiable versions. Will will also not support any shoe-horning of EE 2.x versions of software, backward into EE 1.x.

What does this mean for customers still on ExpressionEngine 1.x?

We will still support software we have already sold that supports EE 1.x until December 31st, 2013, and will still work to ensure customers have upgrade paths with our software where possible, but no more new updates to EE 1.x compatible software will be made unless its a special circumstance, such as a dire security issue.

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