
Importer 2.1 - Now Works With Playa and Matrix Field Types!

Kelsey Martens
Kelsey Martens
Director of Products
May 24, 2012
addons expressionengine updates playa importer matrix

We are very pleased to announce the release of Importer 2.1, which now includes full support for Pixel & Tonic’s Playa and Matrix field types! This is a free upgrade to existing Importer 2.x license owners.

If you haven't already checked out Importer, have a look! It allows you to create and save import profiles for CSV, XML and JSON files, from a variety of import sources: local file, remote URL, FTP, sFTP, and manually uploaded file.

You essentially create an import profile, select the file type, select the source, and map out the data in the file to the fields on your site. In addition to the new Playa and Matrix field types, Importer also includes support for Solspace Tag tags, EE date field types, categories, entry/expiry dates and more!

Give it a whirl! You have 30 days from date of purchase to return Importer if it's not right for you.

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